The goal of a favorites list is to help families get to know our staff better and guide us with ways to show appreciation. Favorites can be used to love on our staff in so many ways...

to celebrate a birthday
to organize gifts for teacher appreciation week, holidays, end of year
to send in a bouquet of their favorite flowers
to send in their favorite coffee or fountain drink
to send in a box/package of their favorite candy
to send in a favorite dessert to enjoy
to organize breakfast or lunch to be brought to school
to send in a gift card from their favorite store or restaurant

Aside from favorites lists, a sweet note of encouragement from a parent or student is always appreciated.





Beckner Church A. Hughes M. Jones
Noe K. Smith Sutton Wade



First Grade

Allen Carlon Crow Edman
Minardo Rooke Tull Williams



Second Grade

Boban Brown K. Jones McCue
Rollins J. Smith White Ziegler



Third Grade

Daves Fulton Hanks Kamah/Alexander
Keener Love Nicely Schleifer



Fourth Grade

Barron Carpenter Fielden Key
Landers Lawrence Overton Ransdell



Fifth Grade

M. Hughes Kimrey Linsley McGaha
McVay Potter Stegner Towe




(Ms. Kay) Cocke-Art Cross-PE Poteete-Music Slater-Library
Eschman-Art Spradlin-PE   Swinson-Music  



Special Education
Coffey Grice Scheuer Straus
Blevins-EA Culver-EA B. Jones-EA Pemberton-EA
Siva-EA L. Smith-EA Widen-EA Youmans-EA


Marsh-Principal Frady-Asst Prin McClendon-Asst Prin Hornback-Secretary
Lord-Secretary Esposito-Book Hatter-SRO Tummins-Inst Coach
Burgard-GT Fortney-Speech Garren-Speech Asst Rentsch-Counsel
Burns-PAC Phipps-PBIS Cochran-ELL Evers-ELL
Carr-Custodian Goodin-Cafeteria Cardoso-EA Davis-EA
Duquette-EA Hotchkiss-EA Huffman-EA Shockley-EA