We are made up of 28 different committees that are supported by parent (and grandparents, and aunts, and best friends, well, you get the idea) volunteers that work within, and outside, the school to enrich the learning experience of all our students.


Our committees include:


Book Fair Bookkeeper Bylaws
Citizenship Clinic


Decorations Fall Fun Night Flyers
Grounds Hospitality Junior Achievement
Leopard Run Library Mom's Anonymous
Parent Involvement PAWS School Supply Kits
Science Fair Special Needs Liaison Spirit Nights
Spirit Wear Technology Veterans Day
Volunteer Coordinator Fundraising Yearbook


If you would be interested in volunteering your time or talents to any of these committees, contact lottspto@gmail.com.  


And yes, we raise money, Too

Before the year begins the PTO establishes a budget to fund these programs.

Once the PTO has met their budget goals for the year, the remaining money raised is donated to the school in the form of "Gift to School"  



What is Gift to School?


The PTO works with the principals, teachers, and staff to decide jointly the ways that this money will most benefit the school and our students.


The PTA (prior to becoming a PTO) Gift to School for 2021-2022 school year was an amazing $68,000!



This money was used for:


Schoolwide Subscriptions to Reading Rangers, I-Ready, Scholastic Watch and Learn, SeeSaw, Generation Genius, Flocabulary, and GimKit

New learning rug for ELL

New library subscriptions and equipment

Sanding and staining the gym stage

Updated gym murals

New laminator

Supplies for teachers to utilize in their classrooms


The PTA (prior to becoming a PTO) Gift to School for 2022-2023 school year was an amazing $65,000!


This money will be used throughout the school year as needs arise.